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It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that Felix Serious Chicken passed away this weekend.  His family and friends are in shock and filled with sadness...

RIP Mr. Serious....

I'm sorry to hear this.  I'd heard a while back that he was sick Sad

2016 has been a rough one.  We lost Aubie last week...counting Aubie that's three friends I've personally lost since May.
Yes, I had heard Aubie has passed away as well.  Sorry for your loss.


Always loved the Chicken fixtures that adorned the building.
Sorry to hear this Winni. May he rest in peace.
Thanks Angel
Winni thought I would share this story. Felix came to visit you and think you guys had made some fish (could be wrong) anyway it was asked how many and i guessed it right. Never did make it to get something from him for being correct. I know he was a good friend of yours. May he rest in peace.