
Full Version: Friday music 5/27/2016
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She reminds me of several female folk singers from the past

it tells me that the video is not available .
Bummer must be an NS thing. Plays for me in the US. It is a Jimmy Cliff song covered by Thea. Haven't found another copy yet but if I do I will edit and post here.
Did you ever get a Spotify account OT I suggest that a long time ago to the board in general. The whole album is here and on Spotify a whole lot more. No need to get a premium account for most music.
I don't do facebook .
You don't need facebook, you can just register without tying to a fb account. I think it is available in NS but not 100% sure. Maybe someone else that lives in Canada can verify.
Below is the page where you can use "or" and simply use an email address and they don't send a lot of spam at all from my experience.


This also happened this week.   (Not sure why, but I always get a kick out of seeing Conan OBrien's well-dressed drummer Max Weinberg just a drumstick or two away from the spotlight.)

Firemon, I forgot to say thanks for posting more music in last weeks music thread