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Black administrator tries to come down on white student.

Video says that's another student, not an administrator. 

Also, I think it looks staged. The follow-up video too.



One might be inclined to think this was all staged. But as the video continues, it becomes obvious this was embarrassingly real for everyone involved.

I think the video has been universally condemned...I've been in a discussion about it on another board for a few days and no one defends the student's actions. 

It's just not the same thing, IMO, as, say, this:

Here is another article on this with some other links on the left hand side: 


Funny story - years and years and years ago (like I'm thinking 1973) these dreads in Cascade, Hanover created this place of little huts and lots of people from all over the world went up there to stay.  You would take the bus from Sav & this dread "Wooly Bully" would be waiting when the ancient bus dropped you off.  You then walked through a series of 'walk foot' paths until you got to their encampment, quite a long walk too, I would estimate 2.5 miles or so.  Series of huts that were almost like huge upside down woven baskets, with a higher up woven thing to put your sleeping bag on if you were lucky enough to bring one.  The first thing they did was to confiscate everyone's combs, said they were "evil" and broke them up or threw them in their ever burning fire.  The entire time from morning noon and night was devoted to Bible studies.  Everyone pooled their money together (and I'm talking like $2 from this person, $3 from that person,  you stayed in the huts for free) and they would go into Cascade, buy food and then cook a huge dinner.  When I was there, there were a couple of guys from Japan, three people from Germany, a couple of Swedish girls & some Americans and Canadians too.  I was surprised that one of the Americans was from my area in upstate New York about five miles from my house. 
     After about three days up there, we all discovered that an even two more miles, down the valley and up a steep hill, there was another encampment, with about seven pregnant, in their early 20's, white girls. 
    Anyways, when I eventually took the bus back to Negril (definitely THANKSFUL to leave) my entire head of very long hairs was knotted REALLY really badly.  I was thinking that I was going to have to cut my hair down to 1/2 an inch or so!  My friend and I worked on my hair for a solid three days, loading it up with conditioner and getting those knots out little by little!
     My house back in those days was past the lighthouse when the entire west end was just a really really quiet area, no cars were on the road at all except for the blue ice truck and Mr. Hogg.  It for sure felt great to get back there!


This event prompted a few entertaining backlash columns deeming this behavior cultural rape...which later was toned down to cultural appropriation...so the "get out the scissors" mindset persists to some degree. 

Good thing no one has a cultural appropriation problem with black women who don hairpieces. 
Good one Firemon .Or like " visitors " taking route taxis or buying veggies off the " local only " truck.


If someone wants to wear their hair in dreads - white, black, purple - its their friggin hair, let it go!  I've seen some beautiful dreads on white people and I've seen some god-awful ones.  African hair is different than Caucasion hair so it dreads up better.

People get their hair dreadlocked in hair salons for gods sake.

"Cultural appropriation" what a load of shit.  A good friend of mine, white with beautiful dreads has been approached in Jamaica for basically being a "wanna be" Rasta.  He very calmly explains that he is in no way, shape or form Rasta.  He just likes the hair style.

One world one love people!  Get a scissor.  Flash back to 1967 in Liberty NY where the sherrif in the town actually cut the long hair off of the hippy guys.

I'm not the biggest fan of posers - in fact I have no patience for them.  But a hairstyle does not a Rasta make...its those people who are "faux" Rasta and walk around with that vibe that make me nuts.

"Or like " visitors " taking route taxis or buying veggies off the " local only " truck."
I don't understand what this means - cultural appropriation by using local transportation and buying food from local vendors?  Not the same thing at all!  An honest travel experience - no?