
Full Version: speaking of properties for sale
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This is a lovely property.  It is up off of West land Mt Rd. It belongs to my old land lady. She is A German woman who used to be married to a Jamaican and made honey back in the day..I hope she is ok - i imagine the house is too big for her now. She had two apartments below where i lived. she had about six huge dogs that kept her safe up there.  She was a very honest and intelligent woman and I bet that house was quite well built.
looks nice . . . but i think people that invest their money in jamaican properties are nuts! . . . better buy swamp land in florida . . . .
You know, when I saw this advertised on Facebook the comment I made was "how do they plan to educate their kids?".  There seems to be a real "push" now for people to retire there...even though it has to be a real sketch situation for retirees, especially of a certain age what with healthcare sucking and all.  Nearly everyone I know that raises or raised kids there either moved back foreign or sent their kids foreign to get an education.

However, with places like Little Bay Country Club the appearance is that you can live there in similar circumstances as you do in North America...I mean the place looks like the suburbs of New York (parts of Long Island in particular)...of course with a beach (that's been pretty much ruined) and warmer temps.  Similar of course until something critical happens to you health-wise.

This is why I don't watch these shows, they aggravate me.  Give me Real Housewives of Anywhere anyday.  At least there's a comic element there.