
Full Version: On more serious note ...
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I think he is a "tanned up " Dr. Phil
I wish there was some way of knowing the subject of the video before I clicked on the page OR the videolink / video image. You know, a little narrative couldn't hurt either, instead of SURPRISE. Smile

No disrespect to captaind for promoting the videocreator (if they aren't one and the same) but it reminds me, just a little, of videos on Youtube with titles containing "Funniest ..." or "...Must see" which aren't, or where commentors request the 8 minutes back into their life.

Humor; if a certain person asks for their 8 minutes back for reading this post, I'm going to piddle on his shoe when I meet him. LOL

Of course, some commentors on Youtube have the IQ of a turnip. Yet some comments on certain news sites are truly an asset and enlightening to read.

As an alternative, there is the weekly FTDnews videos produced by a guy in Canada perporting (?) to be a Natural Born Jamaican, although he speaks more of the Queens English (not that there is anything bad about that. lol)

There is less editing than capitand's favorite.

A recent vid is enclosed. I attempted to JUST include the link to youtub for /watch?v=CRzU9NuoCBY but (after consultation), that is impossible here.

PS Another reason I would favor something in the subject line (on another board that remark would draw a smile and a laugh) is that so far the posts seem only to contain the video links, and I would hate to miss posts of trip reports, humor, wisdom, news, or offers to buy me a beer.

I thought the SexTape video was good in that it shows, or advocates (sp?) the Jamaican "respect your elders." My experience down there is this is most true, and rightfully so.

How does the expression go? It takes a village to raise a child. Whereas in the US, a spanking by a parent can end them up in court.

Another cultural difference IMO between the two countries is that even boys are taught to do laundry and be neat there.

Secret; Some USA husbands know how to iron, they just don't want to do it.

I do see your point. He does a lot of biting satire and sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.

He is a good comic...the masks of comedy are laugh and cry.....

He does have a gift
