
Full Version: i got the "call" tonight
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man oh man, not the first, lol, wont be the last,but shit, it really hurts ,when you can hear the desperation, and , frankly , get in line ... did ya see the face\book vid about the beggy thing ? felling pretty down .
Which call?
A call from JA asking for $/'assistance"?

not sure i've seen vid. you reference. got a link, or more description?

I cant seem to get it to come up but this is where she comes back to bring clarity to her 90% statement.
Thank you, yes thats the one. Sorry my original post was so cryptic . Yes I got the call from a friend. And yes, I have helped a little in the past . Time 'tuff here as well . Call me a soft , but it hurts to hear someone you care for is hurting . Like I said, stand in line, sorry , there are a few before you !
I think that we can probably all relate to some of this. There is certainly a strategy from some people.
Those are the people to weed out IMO.
We get it from two particular sources. Over the years you just become hard to it, or maybe we have! so manage to swerve the leading discussions.

The youtube lady looked like she caused some backlash about the 90% figure she used, hence the follow up piece to clarify.

Interestingly I was sat with my 10 year old granddaughter earlier when I viewed the clip. She was very unhappy with it, and raised a good question for her age. "Why is the lady saying she loves jamaica and jamaicans and then saying that 90% of the people beg?"
Thanks RW for posting the video.
I am a newbie and considering the folks on this board I will always be a newbie. 3 vacations and a 4th planned. I can relate to what the woman is saying and she like many of you has years of friendships and travel built in Jamaica.

Westenders, what your little girl asked is certainly a valid question. I hope you answered her with some of the comments the woman made at the end saying that there are many hard working folks in Jamaica that are not noticed. The woman was just pointing out that begging seems to be a culture (for what reason I don't know) and that the percentage she (the woman in the video) is presenting is probably (not accurate) because she is simply a tourist/traveler and those people that do beg for money/necessities, see a tourist/traveler as someone with the means to help more than their friends and family.

I do have to reflect on what OT has pointed out about workers not showing up for work and a good job simply because they went to a music event that didn't close until the wee hours of the morning. To me that makes no sense. I would love to go to events like that myself here in the states but to do my job it is not reasonable to do so.

I have probably four (what I would call) friends in Jamaica. Three of the four are hard working and have never asked for anything beyond their service and have offered to help me (without me asking for help). One was a moocher and I simply cut him off.
There are certainly a lot of good folks in Jamaica and that is why we are again going back but there does seem to be a culture problem with a high percentage (whatever that percentage is) begging. I have not seen that as much in other countries I visit.
Just my 2 cents
Jamaica's foreign exchange earnings are garnered from three main sources -- exports, tourism and remittances -- with tourism and remittances each contributing around US$2 billion or the equivalent of 13 per cent of GDP in 2013.
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