
Full Version: Singer Sansanya robbed by indruder at Sunshine Village!
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Here is a recent Facebook post by Sansanya Dawson, the headline singer for the Seastar Inn saturday night show. She is so nice and always so positive, that this alleged incident is especially sad:

Sasanya Dawson
4 hours ago
to all my friends on whatsapp im sorry i didnt reply i was robbed. i woke up and saw a man in hotel room i was devasted. i got back a phone so please contact me. For those of you are planning to book a room at the Sunshine village Condos in Negril where the incident happened please dont bcuz the security is setting up the robberies! what a shame!! Dont ever go to that place. Thank you.
Oh Boy!

This social media can be a real good thing!

OT - is this where you stay?
Wow, I looked at a room over there a few weeks ago...never mind...
NO !!!!!!! I stay at Cottontree Place Hotel ...Where they are talking about is at the same complex that the Hi-Lo is in. At Cottontree I'm as happy as a clam and have been for 25years.
Oh good - im glad i'm wrong - i knew it was somewhere near there...
How awful.. And for her to think the security has set it up..hope they find the person/s . This will be quite high profile bad publicity too for SV and Negril.

OT we and groups of friends used to be regulars at cotton tree too
Hmmmmm.....I have known folks to spend months there and no problem. I guess it all depends on many different variables, like what season it is and how desperate folks are. One friend got robbed at tigress and moved back to sunshine village. Honestly it makes no sense. All sorts of folks getting robbed in all sorts of hotels.
What a bummer for the lady or anyone that gets robbed anywhere! Seems to be getting more and more prevalent in Negril but then I could also say the same thing for here in TN.
Wifey was worried the first time I mentioned Negril and I said it is not Kingston.....trust me. She did and she really likes Negril. If Negril ever does get to a point where we don't feel safe (using common sense) we will simply move on to a new destination no matter how much we like Negril. Maybe just another place in Jamaica?
Gerry, I notice in what you posted she said security was the problem and it was an internal setup. If that is truly the case then maybe it can be fixed by firing the security staffing the Village currently has and hiring a more reliable staffing if that is possible??
I'm glad she wasnt hurt... and i give her props for putting out the info... (which would have been deleted or doubted on "another board"..) anyway, unless its long time or well known security -you just never know when inside job could happen to you.... I think its alot more common then we ever get to hear about..


Always set the deadbolt (if there is one). And bring along a small inexpensive battery operated portable door alarm.

Of course neither of these suggestions is of any benefit when you're not in your room.
