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Lordy lordy some things just do not change on message boards....

I was very eager to return as I missed chatting with some people but man, more drama...

The part I dont understand is this whole 'Jamaican yard' thing. Westend? Gated? Posh? LOL! I can tell you exactly where I live, oops won't say 'live' cause I'm not there full time, will say the house I built though, which is right down Breadnut lane.

I will tell you the type of houses there, not in any particular order: let's begin with Sissy's yard, kinda typical? not sure, has indoor bathroom and current; then there is Archway yard and Primrose yard, all original Negril people.... hmmm oh yeah then there is Miss Icelane's yard, yup original. I would have to say probably all -mid class (for lack of a better term) Yikes! Almost forgot about Mr Russell's yard, whoa now THAT is a gated yard... can't begin to guess what that house costs! OK so now you turn right and head straight down to Bubbles shop. Oh now we have reached the ghetto, no running water and most tief current .. typical? Again, not sure. turn right again, past Lenbert's yard (his block) and then on to mine (board but bigger).

So again everyone, what is typical? Don't think there is such a thing in JA....
Winni stick around you've been missed. I like the way you think.
I too, like the way you think Smile
Please dont let it bother you Winni
we really have been having very little drama here.
As far as I am concerned, this silly chit chat is only drama if you care to look at it that way.
I, for one, would love to see you around here more often.

I think we are just seeing a clash of cultures and a breakdown in communication - I truly believe that if we were all together in one room we would all come to an understanding pretty darn quickly.

I had chosen to ignore it in hope that it will go away
but seeing yet another thread I guess its time to say something.

If I didn't think Rastagirl could defend herself, I would not tolerate what looks like folks ganging up against her. I feel that while Rastagirl has strong opinions that sometimes I agree with and sometimes I don't, I respect the fact that she is willing to put herself out there, share her experiences, and she defends her turf. I have a feeling she would be an extremely loyal friend. I really do not believe her intentions are malicious. To me she is a great asset to this board - and so is everyone else.

It is OK to disagree.
Lets just try and avoid pointing fingers, ill intended jokes, name calling, and gang mentality.

Everyone has stated their opinions - its time to move on.
I dont want any hurt feelings and I don't think any of you are really aiming to hurt.

We all add something different here and that is the beauty of it. In Jamaica we have all learned to tolerate stuff that we would not tolerate in our own cultures . When i think about this board I think about the the huge mix of cultures we have here - we all come from such different places it is normal that we have conflicts and misunderstandings.

Please go easy on one another and be aware that we write may not come across in the way that we intended. It is challenging to write in the tone we are thinking in.
Winni I hear ya too, as do many others.
I am and have been pretty scarce on this board too, not because of most of you folks here who truly rock!

Life is challenging enough and I myself utilize this board for, among other reasons, an escape.

Most of us come here for obvious reasons and for me personally, when the few stupid people (YES I said stupid!!) who thrive on bringing drama, negative vibes and the "damn-it-to-hell-I'm-gonna-prove-my-point-because-I'm-right" insecurity issues here, well, it just isn't worth it to me to come here or any other message board which behaves that way for that matter. When I feel I have to pause on what I want to express here due to possible attack comments by others, then it is time for me personally to move along elsewhere.

Some folks just don't learn, or they refuse to learn, no matter how you try to approach them over the years- with subtlety, humor, niceness or down-right meanness; they just keep on acting the same way no matter how you respond. And when the few like-minded knuckleheads get
together and pull the juvenile gang-up crap on an issue they feel isn't ....whatever, well my tolerance for that type of stuff is negative zero. And I am only referring to folks I can count on one hand. Perhaps they just spent too many years doing things to kill their own brain cells and don't comprehend when to use a personal filter for their own comments on a message board. I dunno...

So if those things happen to escalate here I can always find other ways to participate with those who feel the same way about Jamaica and will express it with positivity and a go-with-the-flow attitude when it comes to differing opinions. And I do like it here!

For the rest of you cool folks - thanks for keeping it real and making this a really great message board!
There hasn't been any drama on this board in quite a while, and especially since the reboot.

Let me state for the record that there is not going to be any escalating drama on this board, there are not going to be multiple threads discussing it either. I will combine, edit, delete, close threads, suspend, ban, hack, whatever is necessary.. Not going to debate or play games with people.

Every post has a "Report Abuse" button. It sends an email directly to me. Feel free to contact me when you feel the need to discuss things off the board.

It has enjoyed a nice run of good vibes, and more good vibes are welcome!

That being said, it's great seeing all of you aboard, and lets all share, agree, and disagree respectfully!
Well said Rootswoman & Dreadneck

The first time I went to the Jamaica forum on TA (had spent most of my time in the Akumal forums prior to that) I couldn't believe how even the simplest thread could turn into a name calling shouting match. Same thing on the "other" board. Couldn't really understand it quite frankly, but now I think I do. People are so passionate about Jamaica and I think that's what causes it. There is no right and wrong, just different.

Our vacations aren't for everyone, are we travellers or tourists? I don't know and really don't care, all I know is we love Jamaica. I love reading everyone's experiences even though most are nothing like ours. For what it's worth, my 2 cents...
Heres my 2 cents.....im thinking RG needs to have a party with ALL of us invited....ummmm, does Feb work for everyone Smile ( im serious ) i would LOVE to get together with our family here, we could have a 'round table' of discussions of some sort.
Or ask yourself this question. Would you say something if the person was standing in front or you? I tend to use that as my gauge and still overdo it at times. Ones reaction almost might involve some history that we are not aware of. Regardless, a PM function exist if you want to argue or bicker.
And that Folks, is why we love our not so Wicked Wendy.
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