
Full Version: Friday Music 4/25/2014
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OT, hope you can see and play this one today. This is a song by Ben Harper that I like.

I love Ben Harper
This is a great tune Kylake!
I have/had several Ben Harper CD's in my boat .GREAT music.!!!
Sometime would you play Ron Hynds...Sunny's Dream . He comes to my place here everytime he's in the area. He is a friend of a friend and has since taken to coming here . I use to take him out in my boat . I always thought that Sunny's Dream would make a wonderful roots reggae tune.Yes I can see this !!!
OT, is this the song you wanted? Spelling is a little different than what you had but listening to it I believe this is the song.

yes that's the song.Not the best version ,that was done when he was young. They call him the man of a 1,000 stories.I was the oldest of 7 girls and 2 boys and when I went fishing at 15 I felt the song was about me.That's the year my father passed . I hope that some more listen to the words and maybe listen to another version . He is back on tour after suffering some sort of throat problems which people thought was the end of him. I'll be seeing him within 2 weeks. Thanks !!!!!!!!!!
OT, I tried looking for another version of Sonny's Dream but did not find one with the older Ron, but I believe this is the man you know today and will see soon. Thanks for letting me know about his music. This is his song "House".
Tell him a guy from Tennessee said hello.

OT, I think I might have found the one you want and this is a better version of Sonny's Dream.

Is it a hijack if I post a song? If so, my apologies

Heard this the other day and loved this cover. Warren rocks by the way.

There is NEVER !!!! a hijack here only an addition.I'll tell him Kylake while lobster and cold beer choke back the laughter.One time he was to preform in Charlottown PEI and missed the ferry. It was about 8:00pm and he arrived at my house with ,let's say "a bun on ".I said "Ron let's take the Karen ( my boat then ) over. Away we go, a bottle of rum and some cold beer and Howlin' Wolf to be "boat security " and dark. We get there at about 10:00pm and go up over the hill to the bar he was to play in. 1st he had to tell every one how he got there and how he was going to get back to Nova Scotia. Well at about 3:00AM and about 10 people more we head for the shores of Nova Scotia .What a fun time. I still smile to myself thinking about that "adventure ". He sings a little diddy about here and why all the Scottish people speak French.
Interesting story OT, thanks for sharing.
Booger, never a problem to post another song on this thread
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