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Bummer Tanfastic, hope the meds work and you get to feeling better soon!
Tanfastic hope you are feeling better by now and the meds have worked.
I think it was something like three years ago or so my Dr. called me to come and talk to him -- he asked me if I had ever lived in "the Ohio River Valley" (I've never ever been to Ohio).  My recent (can't remember which medical test) showed my results as showing up as some kind of lung disorder that affects persons who have lived in the Ohio River Valley.  There is a specific name for this disorder, I just don't remember it.  It might be Ohio River Valley Disease. 
    My Mom was born in South Wales, so from a really early age and throughout my childhood we went back to her hometown.  Since she was a World War II survivor, we never went by plane.  Queen Elizabeth II, SS United States, total transatlantic boat trips were our way to go.  My (ex) husband and I went several times to London during the 1970's.  We had the greatest times, we were workking for one of the most famous spaghetti sauce heirs on their daughters "boutique" type of store and would get to spend six weeks in London.  We would start out in a really expensive hotel where there would be sheiks & harems staying, and by the end would be in a fairly "floppy" bed and breakfast place.  We did always have a great and fantastic time though, going to all of the tourist attractions, like that famous wax museum (I think Madame Tousards), the crown jewels, renting horses in Hyde Park.  That turned out to be a disaster because we hadn't realized that you had to actually ride the horses through some horrendous street traffic.  We got to be friends with quite a few Yugoslavian boot / shoe / and clothesmakers and hung out at the Yugloslavian Embassy listening to the Wailers music way far before the music became popular in the US & Eric Clapton recorded 'I Shot the Sheriff'. 
   My mother was born in Penarth, South Wales, a seaside town that was totally bombarded with bombs during World War II.  I remember going there at five years old and being, kind of, totally freaked out at all the damage.  There would be blocks and blocks of homes (never restored) with only the stairways standing.  My Mom would never go home on a plane so we would go one time per year on a ship and stay for three months.  I always thought it was cool that I would get to leave elementary school at the end of May and not finish up the school year.
    I haven't been to the U.K. for some time now, my relatives come here fairly regulary though, we get some of them coming at least one time a year.  One thing that stands out in my mind though, from the last time I was there (in London) is the amazing amount of foreign homeless people, some with tents, all over the place.  
   One time I was leaving London & it was the time that Idi Amin (not sure of the spelling) has made all people living in Uganda that were from the country of India expelled immediately.  I think the general year of this might of been 1974 or so... any how what a total scene at Heathrow Airport.  Just SO many people from Uganda there with anything they could carry, just a total chaotic scene.  And exceptionally sad too!  I finally was able to get a flight to New York but when I returned I was really really sick.  In general, I definitely seem to get an illness after an airplane flight, it seems to be a really germ laden atmosphere.
Wow, Sharleen, what a very interesting past you have with your family!  I bet many stories you could share Smile

Tanfastic, I hope you are doing better now~
So it's been 5 weeks and I'm finally starting to feel human again. Medicine is kicking in finally, fever have just about stopped, still have not much energy and some breathing issues. Fungal Mass in my lung is the size of a large orange and will take awhile to shrink. Thanks for the kind words, I'm on the road this week traveling again, hope my stamina holds up.

Funny side note, I can't have alcohol and this might be the hardest part of all of the disease. Those of you that know me realize I like my cocktails! Down another 5 pounds, but starting to eat again. I might even fit in a speedo by the October reach! 
Ok Tanfastic glad you are feeling better. At least you are still with us. You sure had that kick you in the ass. Now a speedo well don't go too far. Wishing you well.
So glad you are feeling better!  Don't over do it as you body needs to recuperate and heal...take care!

A couple of years ago, when I "presented" with pneumonia after x-rays, the Dr. asked me if I had "ever lived in the Ohio River Valley" -- it seemed like I had "Ohio River Valley Disease" -- exceedingly creepy diagnoses.  I have never ever even been in Ohio.  
    My mother was born in Penarth, South Wales, I spent every summer since I was five years old going over there either on the Queen England ship or the U.S.S. United States for a three months stay.  I haven't been there for years now, although my cousins come for a visit quite often.  I miss England and South Wales -- lots of lovely memories of London where my Uncle Frank and Aunt Mary would have us stay with them too.  
   Lots of reggae "memories" during the  mid-1970's" too.
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