
Full Version: Dread
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I know I asked about this before---- not tryin' to drive ya crazy. Could it be set up to redirect me back to the list of threads after I post instead of staying in the thread? IF it is an easy fix and when and if you have the time!! I know it will take time to make all of the little tweaks. THANKS!!
Sophie - go to the bottom under the posting box and it says "Back to Board" is that what you mean??
Let me post and see if that box is there....
Ok- cool- I just have to scroll up a tiny bit and click. Not the same as the redirect but nice and easy! Thanks!!
yes - i have mentioned the same thing!
I haven't quite figured it out yet. It's definitely a good idea.
Sophie, I almost asked that same question last night, then I scrolled down and BAZINGA there it was.
I have searched and cannot find the UserCP icon in order to change my password to something I can remember. It is supposed to be in the upper right corner of the screen, correct? Is this a problem with my browser? Thanks!
Click on "Profile" in the top green-shaded panel.
Dread I am still wondering about the font sizes. The difference between what's on the screen (BIG) and what's in the reply box (tiny) is a lot and I can't control it with my zoom feature very well since they are so different.

See what i mean?

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